Taxation and Succession

Insights into what is involved in buying, selling & living in Portugal

C.G.T. 2022

These guidelines are intended only as a summary. Tax laws and regulations change frequently and sometimes unexpectedly. It is strongly recommended that you seek professional advice. The sale of a property located in Portugal, whether the seller is a resident or non-resident, must be declared to the tax office in Portugal. Read more →

Dividend in Portugal

DIVIDEND TAX IN PORTUGAL The dividend tax in Portugal applies both to residents and non-residents and it has a flat rate of 28%. However, a special participation exemption is applicable under certain criteria. Dividends paid to a Portuguese resident by a Portuguese company or an EU company are subject to a different taxation regime. Read more →

Corporate Income Tax (IRC)

CORPORATE INCOME TAX All companies earning income in Portugal are subject to Corporate Income Tax (IRC). This page provides information on the following: Registration to pay Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Income to which Corporate Income Tax (IRC) applies Rates of Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Exemptions from Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Reporting obligations Payment of Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Archiving of records. Read more →

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Spain!

Capital Gains Tax Spain Index Capital Gains Tax Spain+ The residents in Spain as well as the non-residents are supposed to pay the capital gains tax in Spain at least once in their lifetime. Unlike other forms of taxes such as wages, capital gains are more complex to calculate, and therefore harder to tax. Read more →

Asset allocation on AL licensed properties

OWNERS OF HOLIDAY RENTAL PROPERTIES FACE CAPITAL GAINS TAX BLOW Two news items relating to the Alojamento Local (AL) registration system for those property owners involved in short-term lettings to tourists further have reduced the chances of anyone registering without being forced to. Owners who have their AL licence and who later remove their property from the scheme, for whatever reason, then are liable to pay capital gains tax, whether they are selling their property or not. Read more →

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

Realestate-Algarve-Info 2 m · On 18 March 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its judgement in the MK case (C-388/19) referred by the Portuguese tax arbitration tribunal. The CJEU decided that the Portuguese taxation regime applicable to capital gains realized by nonresident individuals is contrary to EU law and that the discriminatory tax treatment of nonresidents cannot be aligned with EU law by granting nonresidents the option to be treated as resident taxpayers. Read more →


NIF = Número Identificação Fiscal To obtain your Fiscal Number or NIF simply attach the following information and we will assist. Unfortunately things have changed a bit. We will not be able to apply for your NIF anymore without having a full Power of Attorney mentioning we are allowed to do so. Read more →

Tax of Crypto Currency in Portugal

The Most Crypto-Friendly Nation in the Europe Portugal is fast becoming the number one country for anyone involved in crypto, especially long-term investors and retail traders. Official statistics clearly show that immigration to Portugal is growing a lot year after year, and a good chunk of these expats are young people below the age of 40. Read more →

How to calculate Capital Gains Tax

by Pedro Fidalgo When selling a property one of the costs to be taken into account is the result of the capital gains. These are obtained taking into account the value of the sale in relation to the value of the acquisition and will be taxed under the Income Tax (IRS). Read more →