
Insights into what is involved in buying, selling & living in Portugal

Fiscal Representation

FISCAL REPRESENTATION in Portugal is designed to ensure that all tax commitments are met in full. Whether helping you to get off to a good start, keeping you informed about important changes or saving you money in the long run, our comprehensive services add real value to your investment. With ROBAN ReAct Ldª on your side, you can count on the following services: Read more →

Building on agriculture land

In general, building in the country is difficult and very limited. Although there is general legislation, each town council can set their own set of rules what is allowed in certain areas. Besides the differentiation between REN (national ecological reserved) be and RAN (national agriculture reserved) we also have National Parks, Maritime zoning and more. Read more →

Environmental-friendly houses

Portugal the last couple of years tries to be a front-runner when it comes to using alternative energy sources. With well over 3000 hours of sunshine no doubt our country offers a lot of possibilities in this respect. Maybe the following article is interesting to read. New Jersey school of architecture professor indicates us how to construct an environmental-friendly residence on a budge Read more →

Development control

Development control in Portugal and how it works. It must be the ambition of every country to manage their territory so as to guarantee to future generations that land and buildings will be properly laid out; that everything will be planned to take into account factors such as national and cultural resources, environmental issues and the division of land on a fair basis between public and private interests. Read more →

Legalisation of illegal buildings

The last year(s) I am confronted, in my capacity as estate agent, more and more with properties asked to promote to sell, which after having studied the paperwork turn out not to be 100% legal or having all the necessary licenses in place. In general the amount of outbuildings on a property are not in line what the paperwork shows or after checking what has been approved by the local Town councils certain parts a license was never applied for. Read more →

Buying or Building

Buying versus Building or Converting a Property Many people have the dream to convert their own cottage in Portugal. In the description these types of properties are often advertised as “Cottage for conversion”. However most of the time a better description would be “ruin given the possibility to reconstruct”. Methods of construction, building materials and work practise are very different from UK and other countries. Read more →

Project Management

Introduction: Although the term Project Management is becoming more familiar, it is evident that many people are still uncertain about the nature of services provided. Perhaps the most important aspect to point out is that all services stem from the same objective, to represent and protect the client’s interests throughout the entire engagement. Read more →


When you have decided that you want to have your own house built, and after having selected the right plot of land or farm house to build it on, you will need an architect to make your dream come through. This in fact is a very important decision, as a working relation with an architect is something like a love affair; it has to click. Read more →

Building restrictions in Portugal

Building restrictions in the past In the old days “before 1994” we were used that planning consent could be obtained on nearly every plot of land as long as it had a kind of approval of the local Ministry of Agriculture that part of the land could be used for the construction of a house. Read more →