About us

Site with info about many topics related to buying and living in Portugal.

Who are we and what we do?

Robert Snapper Profile

www.realestate-algarve.info is an informative website linked to ROBAN Realestate Actividades Ldª (founded in 2016) with fiscal number 513 977 627 and also to PARGO ReAct Lda, (founded in 2019) with NIPC 515 557 803.

The first one holds a real estate license with number AMI-19561 using the trading name REALESTATE-ALGARVE (RA). A small selection of properties can be found on www.realestate-algarve.com. The latter is our consultancy company known for a long time as REALESTATE-ACTIVITIES (RA).

On this site, www.realestate-algarve.info you can find allot of information about buying - selling and living in Portugal.

The author of this website is Robert M.L. Snapper, who has been in the property business for some 40 years and is the managing director or both companies.

This site gives you a more inside view on topics you may come across when considering buying, selling and/or living in Portugal. In fact as we have a family interest in Spain as well, you will find articles and info on Spain as well.

Basically our activities are the following:

  • Assisting and advising people when buying.
  • Assisting sellers as an estate agent
  • Valuations
  • Fiscal Representation and tax advise.
  • Promoting your rental property
  • Sorting out red tape
  • And also answering any question you may have.

The first consultation will be free of charge.

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