
Insights into what is involved in buying, selling & living in Portugal

Tax of Crypto Currency in Portugal

The Most Crypto-Friendly Nation in the Europe Portugal is fast becoming the number one country for anyone involved in crypto, especially long-term investors and retail traders. Official statistics clearly show that immigration to Portugal is growing a lot year after year, and a good chunk of these expats are young people below the age of 40. Read more →

Income tax Spain on Rental Income

Taxation of rental properties in Spain The tax implications of renting out a Spanish property Introduction There are various situations to consider: you receive rental income from a Spanish property but are not resident in Spain. For example if you buy a holiday home which you use but occasionally rent out. Read more →

Possible change in off-shore taxation

Three years ago, the previous centre-right coalition government unveiled new property tax laws that resulted in numerous home owners and prospective investors in Portugal taking their money elsewhere. But according to the 2007 state budget tabled for voting this week by the Socialist government, owners of real estate registered through an offshore company can look forward to considerable property-related savings as from next January. Read more →

Changing offshore taxation

Some of you may have heard for some time rumours that offshore companies, holding properties in Portugal are under attack by the Portuguese tax authorities. Earlier this year it became evident that in the Portuguese state budget, proposals were made to make offshores less attractive to hold. The 2002 budget has now been approved and passed into law and will become effective on January 1st. Read more →