local lodging

Insights into what is involved in buying, selling & living in Portugal

New AL Legislation July 2018

Long debated in Parliament. Finally, they have reached a verdict. The scary part that short time rentals would be restricted to 90 days was not approved Below you will find the new law which will come into effect 60 days after being approved. Recent legislative reforms have created tighter rules for operators of Local Lodging establishments. Read more →

Stricter laws on local rentals

New laws passed this week by the leftist parties in Parliament has seen local councils and home owners’ associations or condominiums handed extensive powers in regulating and restricting the number apartments that can qualify for local lodging licences (Alojamento Local - AL). The decision has already been criticised by associations representing landlords, saying the move is a step in the wrong direction and will have a negative impact on tourism. Read more →

Law about Local Lodging (AL)

Diário da República, 1st Series— Nº 178 — September 14, 2009 ECONOMY AND INNOVATION MINISTRY Decree-Law nº 228/2009 of September 14 […] ANNEX Republication of Decree-Law nº 39/2008 of March 7 CHAPTER I General provisions Article 1 Object This decree-law enacts legislation governing the setting up, running and functioning of tourism enterprises. Read more →

New Local Lodging Regulations

Local Lodging and another clampdown on illegal rentals Local Lodging has finally come into its own. Known internationally as “self-catering accommodations”, new statutes regulating this business are solely dedicated to the activity in its own right, rather than being seen as an afterthought to general tourism as in the past. Simplification The initial legislative goal was to simplify, an end admirably achieved. Read more →