adicional imposto municipal imobiliário

Insights into what is involved in buying, selling & living in Portugal


As a relatively new tax, it is not surprising that many have been caught unaware of their liability to pay AIMI and, more importantly, how they can avoid the disturbing consequences. The additional assessment to IMI (Adicional Imposto Municipal Imobiliário) is sending shock waves to individuals and company owners who unwittingly find themselves under the weight of this added fiscal obligation. Read more →

A.I.M.I. Additional Rates Tax

A.I.M.I. or additional I.M.I. (rates) At the end of December 2016 the Portuguese parliament as part of the yearly State budget related to 2017 approved a new law also known as: DL 42/2016 of 28-12-2016. In future we will refer to this as A.I.M.I. which stands for “Adicional Imposto Municipal Imobiliário” a complementary tax to the I. Read more →