Golden Visa

Insights into what is involved in buying, selling & living in Portugal

The Golden Visa Programme launched by the Portuguese Authorities in October 2012 is the best investor visa scheme in Europe. Its a fast track for citizens from non European countries and the family members to obtain a fully valid residency permit in Portugal and to travel freely in the vast majority of the countries in Europe (Schengen area).

Who can request a residence permit for investment activities? Third country nationals who either carry out investment activities personally or through a company that lead to, at least one of the following situations in Portuguese territory for a minimum of 5 years.

Property Investment

a) Acquisition of property with a value of minimum € 500.000

b) Acquisition of property above € 350.000 for property more than 30 years old or located in areas of urban renovation.

Capital Investment

c) Transfer of capital with a value equal or above € 1,000.000

d) Transfer of capital of at least €350.000, destined to acquire units in investment or venture capital funds aimed at providing capital to small and medium-sized companies that meet certain requirements.

e) Transfer of capital of at least € 350.000, invested in research carried out by public or private scientific research institutions that are part of the national scientific and technological system;

f) Transfer of capital of the amount of €350.000, or higher, for constitution of a commercial society with head office in the national territory, combined with the creation of 5 permanent working jobs;

g) Transfer of capital above € 250.000 for artistic or cultural activities

Job Creation

h) Creation of at least 10 jobs without minimum investment value.

The investments above - except for c) and d) -, the investment amount may be reduced by 20% in case such investment is made in low density population areas1

Requirements on the investments

Property Provide evidence of having the ownership of real estate property by public deed or promissory share-purchase agreement of the property, with a declaration of an authorized financial institution to exercise its activity in Portugal. An up-to-date certificate issued by the real estate registry.

Funds Provide evidence of having invested the minimum amount required, including stocks or shares of companies. Confirmation by an authorized Portuguese financial institution. An up-to-date certificate issued by the Commercial Register.

Creation of jobs Provide evidence that minimum 10 jobs have been created and the employees registered in the social security.

Requirements for the investor

  • The investment has to be kept for at least 5 years
  • Funds for investments should come from abroad
  • Entry in Portugal with a valid Schengen Visa
  • Portuguese Fiscal number
  • Declaration from the Tax- department and Social security proving the absence of debts
  • Absence of references in the Portuguese Immigration and the Schengen services
  • Absence of conviction of relevant crime
  • Criminal record of the country of residency
  • Health insurance valid in Portugal
  • Proof of income and address
  • Minimum stay in Portugal, 7 days during the first year and fourteen days during each subsequent period of two years

What are the costs involved?

  • Processing fee (of the investor) – Approx. € 520
  • Processing fee (per additional family member) - Approx. € 80
  • Processing fee Renewal (x2) (per family member) - Approx. € 80
  • Initial Golden Visa (per family member) – Approx. € 5,200
  • Golden Visa Renewal (x2) (per family member) - Approx. € 2,600

Countries of the Schengen Area

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

  1. it was considered “Areas of Low Population Density” the level III of Nomenclatures of Territorial Units for Statistical Purposes (NUTS III) with less 100 inhabitants per km2 or a gross domestic product lower than 75% of the national average ↩︎

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